Friday, May 6, 2011

Holy Good Deal

I pretty much love a deal, and today's deal was awesomer than normal.

My favorite story is
New York & Company ("NY & Co."). It's one of those stores that has followed me from my early 20's through, well, now. I'm heading to Atlanta tomorrow and my friend who is accompanying me asked if it would be okay if we stopped at the Gaffney Outlets because there is a NY & Co. outlet there.

Would it be okay? Ha!
Would it be okay of I guessed the MegaMillions numbers tomorrow?

Yeah that's what I thought.

However, when I checked my e-mail, I found that today the WHOLE store was 40% off. That's like, huge. Then I remembered I had 3 CityCash cards which gave me an extra $45.00 off my purchase.

40% off + $45.00 off = whole lotta happy.

So before work I detoured to the store, dragged about 15 items of clothing into the dressing room and walked away with:
The 7th Avenue pants and vest suit;
a cute-as-hell floral caftain;
a pair of olive green straight-leg crop drawstring pants; and
a bright blue sleeveless tank blouse.

Now know that I'm at this store at least once a month draining my bank account, however I have never caved into applying for the store card. Ever! Until today. Today, that extra 20% off my purchase sounded kind of, well, great.

Original total purchase with tax = $217.77
Total after all discounts (including 20% for new card)= $60.84
A savings of $156.93.

*hugs my bag of loot*

Monday, March 7, 2011

Angry Kat

The worst question to ever leave my lips - "What is this Angry Birds everyone is talking about?" - has ruined me for life. A few weeks ago a friend of mine on Facebook wrote a status about how she was playing Angry Birds while in line at the DMV (or was it the grocery store, or gas line, or...well it was someplace with a line (yes Jenn, I'm talking about you)). I had no idea what this Angry Birds game was that she spoke of, and really, I should never have known. What I should have done was just closed out of Facebook and gone along my merry little way. It would have made my life so much calmer.

But of course, not I. I had to go google it, and of course, because the universe was working against me, it was a free download available for my IPod Touch, and of course, I had to download it.

Never in my life (and by that I mean, since the creation of the Sims) has something taken over my waking hours like this damn app. I'm STILL stuck on the first level but I've spent time in line at the grocery store, at work during downtime, in my car while gas is pumping, on a cross-country airplane ride, at the Denver airport where I ended up being stuck for four hours during said cross-country trip, and once, in traffic waiting for whatever it was that was holding us up (I swear, I put the game down once my tires made one full rotation). The happiness I feel when those birds smash the glass and wood that houses those pigs is only equaled by the irritation and madness I feel when I try, shot after shot after shot, and that damn enclosure will NOT fall down. I'm pretty sure I've gritted the first layer off of my teeth and I feel sorry for any soul that just so happens to be people watching while I'm frowning, gnashing my teeth and uttering un-ladylike words under my breath as once again I get that evil 'LEVEL FAILED!' screen.

This is the greatest, and worst app ever.

Angry Birds has turned me into Angry Kat. All I need is a slingshot and the ability to triplicate myself toward a huge wood and glass tower filled with smirking birds.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In case you missed it.

In case you missed it. Excuse me whilst I let out a fangirl eek and scream. I could be just a wee bit excited.

You've heard the rumors, but now Ryan can exclusively confirm that the New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys are indeed hitting the road together! The concert tour will kick off in Summer 2011 and will span the United States.

All nine boys will get together for the first time this Monday, November 8 for an exclusive in studio interview with Ryan to talk about making preparations for the upcoming tour, and we will have your first chance at tickets!

You first opportunity to see Donnie, Joey, Jordan, Jonathan, Danny, Brian, AJ, Howie and Nick perform live together will be November 21st on the American Music Awards on ABC.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

NKOTB Vacation Days 2 - 6

World cross-country traveler

This'll be a short post. I stayed in Vegas for an extra day after the concert. and spent time with my sister and nephew (Happy Mother's Day) I was supposed to head to San Diego to visit friends but I was dead tired, as apparently was everyone else who attended Saturday's concert. I spent half the day in my nephew's bed passed out. Monday I drove back to LA where I corraled Marylou and Yvonne and that night we headed to the airport and flew our butts to Miami.


We realized we were most likely the first American out of state fans to get into Miami, at 7:00 a.m. on a Tuesday morning. We stayed at the same hotel we stayed last year, Eden Roc. For anyone that hasnt' stayed there, or seen it, I urge you to take a weekend, splurge, and stay there. It's phenomenal. We spent the week getting our door project ready, making sure were were at the Cabana Bar for happy hour every night, drooling over bartenders, and we spent one full day riding buses around Miami en route to Little Havana, with an impromptu stop in South Beach (yay flipflops). It was really a crazy week, but we had a great time. We even were able to witness the filming of (however inconvenient some of the filming was) Burn Notice. I fondly recall Yvonne and I standing across the street while the crew set up for a short scene right outside the hotel. We couldn't get to our hotel *waah*.

We did not head to the concert on Thursday night because, well we really just didn't want to. We relaxed before the crazy weekend ahead.

Ah yes, blue ocean out our backyard.

Our home for the week.

"Burn Notice" filming up front.

Next up...boarding day.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

NKOTB Vacation Vegas - Miami



**disclaimer: First, I will let you know right now, I did not get to spend a lot of time with the guys themselves. In fact, besides the second that Jordan and I took our picture, and my photo op on the cruise I spent 0 time with the guys. I did, however have a blast. I just didn't want you to read on waiting for my big encounter with the guys. I didn't happen (unless you count being up close and personal with Joe's underarm hair). **disclaimer # 2: This trip started in LA and I will have you know my luggage for this whole week and 2 days consisted of a carry on and a backpack. Booya.
May 8, 2010.

Early AM (well actually 12:00 p.m. because ML and I are women, and therefore must be late) found us at the Larchmont Coffee Bean. I'd flown in the night before and stayed at ML's house where we worked on our chipboard books for our cabin door. Of course, due to my addiction to Coffee Bean's Peach Tea Latte stemming from my last LA trip, we had to stop there first. (And, of course ,the one on Larchmont because it's divine *nudgenudgewinkwink*). We get coffee and bagels and walk past the shops a bit, and happen upon the place where I am
100% sure Joe purchased the Adidas outfit for Griff to wear in the photo that dropped a million ovaries. We headed East toward Vegas making a stop only at an Inland Empire Target and of course, the Prim Outlets (yay for $17.00 Banana Republic Jeans and my pajama shorts for pajama night on the cruise...still upset that the guy did not give me my AAA discount after I specifically asked for it, but we had boys to see).

We got to Vegas around 4ish, which unfortunately meant I was not going to be able to make the date with my girl Nikki (@Cocktail_Kitten) to annihilate a Bobby sandwich from Capriottis. That has to be done at some point this year.
We ended up meeting Yvonne, Ava, Linda and a few others at Serendipity for dinner. Yummy. I loved my huge salad pouring out of a coconut and of course, the Frrrrozen Hot Chocolate (although drinking it w/o Lactaid killed me later that night). TMI? Yes, probably). Then we headed to the Gold Coast which was right across from the Palms to get ready. How excited was I to see this lighting up the off-strip sign of the Palms? Ooh yeah.

After a quick touch up we headed over to the Palms to see the guys. As soon as we get there we ran into a bunch of the So Cal Price is Right girls. We all headed over to the bar in the middle of the casino (well, the part where we stood) and proceeded to wreak havoc. Oh yeah. "Bartender...50,000 shots please" Literally. Cherry Lemon Drops are the bomb diggity. There were at least 15 of us and we all ordered so we could take a group shot together. Between us and the guy wearing a floaty ring and straw hat in the bar, there was much to be seen.

Then it was time. Now I have to say that by sheer will (and me being 30,000 feet up in the air during Friday's concert) I managed to not be spoiled about anything that w
as to take place at the concert. I'd threatened the lives of both ML and Yvonne if they told me anything (and they both had things they really wanted to tell me, I found out later). The only thing I knew, and that was because someone put the song title in their tweet, was that the guys sung 'Close to You' besides that...nothing. So I was so excited to be totally surprised. ML and I had seats in the same row but in separate sections. I got to my seat and it was in between these two women who were talking. They helped me over the seat and continued talking so I leaned forward as not to get in their way. I'm fiddling with my camera and I hear the girl on my right introduce the girl on my left as 'Kris, the girl who does all the photoshops'. I literally sat straight up and said 'MsKris2u?' Of course it was. Me: 'I'm Jeepchic20' (because formal names don't matter anymore in the NK world, right?) I'd just randomly sat next to Kris and her mom. I was very excited to meet THE Kris and she is such the nicest person. (and apparently, random would bring us together again in the coming days) By that time the countdown clock was displayed, and the concert that was supposed to start at 8:00 was now apparently starting at 8:30.

Well unfortunately in that 30 minute wait the girl on my right kinda sorta spoiled half the concert for me. *sigh*. Oh well. I just smiled and nodded. Apparently the guys got wind of the complaining about how short Friday's show was so they decided to make Saturday's a little longer, the girl had heard from the drummer. (Seriously, can the Blockhead community be satisfied about ANYTHING?) . Anyway it didn't matter. As soon as the stage lit up and the curtain fell, I was once again mesmerized by the guys. I spent most of my time looking at Jon because that's what I do. He's so cute when he's intently trying to memorize his steps only to mess up. I love it. He did very well though. We did have a surprise as Maria Menoulos came out for two songs. Unfortunately the only black spot on the whole knight were the idiots that threw their glow sticks onto the stage striking the guys and Maria. Seriously ladies (or kids) grow the eff up. I will tell you I went buckwild when Jordan performed Never Let You Go. That was what ML was itching to tell me. One of my favorites from FTM, especially because back in 1994 at the Ventura Theater, Donnie sung his rap of the song to me. So I was extremely happy when Jordan sang it but when a tanked top Donnie Wahlberg came out to sing the rap, yeah, I needed a Shamwow. I was one of those that laughed hysterically at Circus ringmaster Joe and the Twisted strip tease. I'm going to assume that being farther back and not being able to see that chest up close contributed to me not being a gaga half-naked Joe girl until the cruise.

Afterward I was dead tired and still had to drive to Boulder Highway to stay at my sister's so I didn't do much that night. Apparently Donnie had a small party for a few people, but unless he saw me and my hair personally, I'm pretty sure I wasn't invited. Boo him. :)

And that is it for day 1.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Successful Interview

I think I've found the best strategy for an effective job interview...go into the interview not entirely interested in the job. You don't stress as much, and actually it turns out to be a much easier and informative interview than if you go into it 'so nervous you want to puke' because you know this interview will make or break your chance for THE perfect job.

(Note, I didn't say go to the interview unprepared and just wing everything. No, that won't work at all. )

I had an interview yesterday for a temporary job that could result in permanent employment. Thing is, I'm moving out of state in a few weeks, so accepting a full-time job wouldn't work for me. As much as I didn't really want to go on this interview, I decided to go and use it as a practice interview.

I dressed the part very well, printed out my resume and tucked it into my professionally padded notepad. The main reason I was reluctant about this position is that it is a good 45 minute drive (w/o traffic) from my house. I'm not a morning person but having to leave at 6:30 a.m. to get to work at 8:00 a.m. doesn't seem like much fun. However, I headed to the interview getting there 30 minutes early. I sat in my vehicle and looked at job interview tips on my blackberry until 15 minutes before then I put my game face on, wiped off the sweat from my brow (not from nervousness, but because it was HOT) and walked in.

As soon as I met the attorney I was to interview with, he looked at my residence city and immediately freaked out a bit. I knew right then and there that he'd written me off. Funny thing is, from that point on the interview was excellent. I sold myself like never before, asking him exactly what he needed and telling him point by point how I could assist him to remedy the stressful situation he was in because of firm growing pains. I asked more questions than I ever have before and even gave insight on operating their document retention system (they still use the X drive). We talked for a full 30 minutes and probably 20 minutes in I knew I had this job. As I was leaving he actually was telling he was calling my recruiter ASAP. I knew it wasn't to badmouth me. True to his word as soon as I left he called my recruiter and offered me the position.

I still wasn't 100% ready to accept because of the drive, but once my recruiter and I talked about ensuring it was only a 5 week assignment and how I really, really liked the firm and what I'd be doing, I decided to accept it. I can live with an extended commute for a short period of time. It'll give me more experience in a portion of the legal field that I really like, plus extra money for my cross-country move.

I have to say hands down it was the best interview I've ever had. I'm not saying this approach is 100% fool-proof but I think it'll work for me. I won't freak out, stammer, rehearse so much that I lose focus on actually selling myself effectively. I've been on plenty of interviews for the 'perfect' job and I walk out of the interview upset about things I've said, how I've said them and knowing that I didn't even come close to landing the job.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Come on NKOTB fans let's crash another site!


We're currently trying to get into 'tinychat' (yeah, lol, ironic huh) for what, I have no idea since Joe's interview is going to be broadcasted on Being in chat doesn't mean anything, but you know us, we always have to be up front and not even personal. *g*

Oh and btw: 272 days, 12 hours, 17 minutes and 6 seconds UNTIL THE CRUISE!!!!

eta: They've tried 5 chats, finally got one up just so we could crash it again. WE WILL RULE THE WORLD!